Simplify the workflow of your green hydrogen projects

Simulate, calculate and plan with one single tool.

Trusted by
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We offer more than just state-of-the-art tools — we are your partner in green hydrogen, green ammonia and Power-to-X project development. Enhance your decision-making and secure project viability with insights that only decades of industry experience can provide.


Increase in

Advanced software in pre-investment stages can boost productivity by seven times in business development teams. Eliminate internal audits of complex Excel models, saving time for developers, analysts, and reviewers.


Increase in calculation precision

Standardized software solutions can enhance calculation precision by 20%, reducing risk and smoothing project progression. This fosters trust among your team, financers, and offtakers.


Focused on real-world business

Our extensive project development experience, combined with state-of-the-art energy and process models, ensures a solution tailored to real-world business use. Transform complex engineering into transparent, user-friendly tools that maximize profitability and business focus.

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Set yourself up for success from the start

Explore, plan and measure your hydrogen projects with one single tool. Generate the data you need, create reports to share the results with external stakeholders and use for internal decision-making.
Design and compare your projects
Master conceptual studies
Share actionable insights with your team
Calculate profitability and bankability
Share the reports and secure funding


Simplify your planning

Do you work with green hydrogen project asessment? Are you an energy project developer, power-to-X business, or maybe a  techno-economic assessment manager? Congratulations, we have made a tool for you.
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Our Partners
Vätgas Sverige ACERA The Paak logoH2UB

About Us

Our Story and Vision

After more than 10 years in business and project development, I saw how clean energy companies struggled with evaluating, optimizing, and designing projects, all while managing big risks on tight budgets. I knew there had to be a better way.

Together with the founders of Southern Lights, we developed software that merges our expertise in project development with technical and economic insights. We have created a reliable tool for everyone involved — from developers to banks.

– Felipe Gallardo, CEO and Co-founder


Get in Touch

Want to contact us?

We are always happy to talk! Let us know what is on your mind and we will get back to you as soon as we can.